Don't miss opportunities to create lasting memories for your grandchildren. A small but professional book highlighting your grandkids' achievements is a treasure they'll be proud of for years to come.
The Ward Boyz Spring Sports 2017 illustrates the power of simple photos in drawing positive attention to grandchildren's achievements. This small book is extremely brief on words but powerful in conveying the message: "I care about you and what you are doing."

The book reveals carefully selected photos of four cousins playing baseball and Lacrosse. Also, it captures not only moments in time but treasured experiences about competing, growing, and connecting with teammates and coaches. These boys now smile at the memories and reflect on a time of challenges, development, and outright fun! They are also happy to argue about who is the best athlete!

The options are endless! What about piano recitals, dance performances, tennis matches – OR – a proud picture of your grandchild holding up a painting they entered in an art show? Or maybe you have a cheerleader in the family or someone who blew you away in the school play! If you are lucky enough to attend these activities, don't forget your phone/camera. If not, bug your children to send you pictures. Better still, most of these kids have their phones – ask them to take photos of themselves and their teammates and send them to you!
These brief snippets of grandchildren's activities and achievements send a clear message: "I love you and am proud of what you are accomplishing! They will enjoy this book for years to come and remember all the good things they were a part of as kids!"